Thursday, August 16, 2007

HEADLINE: Hostile Take Over at Lost Lake By Four Black Dogs

We talked these suckers into taking us up to Lost Lake the other day and they threw sticks for hours! It's good to know the dogs are in charge. We swam and they paddled, we ate poop and they swam, they tied us to a log so we wouldn't eat anymore poop and we broke the leash. It was excellent.

B-rizzle kicked it at the fun control post while my other homies and I chased the ladies in kayaks and barked at the catholic school group next door.

Audrey was even brave enough to flip the little boat over and give rolling a whirl. She rocked it. You'll see her bouncing down the Little White next time she's in town.

Eventually the last of the sun slipped behind the hill, the girls put their clothes back on and us four leggeds fell into a shivering heap of cold tired wet dog. Time to go home and chase squirrels!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sweet Sweet North West

After a record drive from Vermont to Washington:
3188.4 miles
51.25 total hours (includes stop times)
62 MPH average speed (includes stop times)

We finally arrived in the mountain speckled landscape of the Cascades and I could smell home. I hung my head out the window for so long that my eyelids started to permanently peel back. It's so so so good to be back in Hood River, kickin it with my homies and wreaking havoc in the bike shop.

So, after 7 and a half months of living on the road we have some interesting numbers to share with you. Here's what we've done since January.

25,000 miles in the car
1,200 miles on the bikes
0 sticks of deodorant
1000 miles running in front of my people while they ride their bikes
500 cups of coffee
86 energy bars/GU shots
84 different rivers/lakes/oceans used for stick retrieval

28 forced listenings to Fergilicious
220 lb.s of dog food and treats
3 broken frames
578 people taught how to build trail

15 boxes of random stuff sent home
44 towns worked in
137 in car mosh pits/air guitar solos
30 different states visited
2 broken forks
6 rivers paddled, sad but true, there's no freaking water on the East Coast right now! We're ditching the boats in Hood River and getting a couple extra bikes to make up for it.