So, after running around Portland all day the tall one returned with a bag of stuff and a hankerin to head to the river (no complaints here!). We headed on over to our favorite secret swimming hole under a purple sunset. He brought the short one's favorite Sushi, a bottle of Sake and a whole lot of sticks along. It was sweet. The highlight for me was when wading across the 2+ foot deep creek that gets you to the secret spot the short one fell in the river. Her jeans got soaked so she spent the evening rocking Jason's sweatshirt worn upside down with her legs through the arms. Very MC Hammer. There are benefits to being incredibly short and wearing sweatshirts upside down is one of them.
Oh! I forgot, the whole reason I started writing this. While we were down by the water they threw a ton of sticks for me. It was awesome. Wait, there was something else... right, the tall one popped out this little box, got short, and asked the short one if she'd marry him. She said something along the lines of "hell yeah!", put something shiny on her finger and then they proceeded with the stick throwing. I don't know what the big deal was or what marry means... I think I have an aunt named Mary. Maybe it had something to do with her. Eh, either way, they seem quite pleased with themselves so I'll go along with it. I hope they do it again tomorrow because the swimming was RAD! So, here's a photo of the two of them back in the day. It's been 7+ years since they met and this was taken sometime around the beginning!