Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oh Canada

My people just took me to doggy disney land for a week. It was sooo rad. Every morning, they would open the door and there would be this giant river right in front of me. I would spend the day standing in the river, fetching sticks, barking at the rapids, and laying in the sun and then I would lick the grill of the fire pit after dinner for a while before my boyfriend, big fluffy wolf dog would come over for an evening chase around the yard.

In the mean time, Jason and Anna were having a pretty darn good time themselves. The Ottawa river is well known for it's white water so there was that, as I said, right out the front door.

Jason at "Trick or Treat"

Anna at push button in big borrowed gear (photo credits: Collin Moneypenny)

JW being rad (photo credits: Collin Moneypenny)

The Anna antiboof (photo credits: Collin Moneypenny)

The mountain biking in Kanatta just down the road was some of the best we had seen in a while. I even got to meet my first porcupine on the trail which, by the tone of my people's voices when they saw me running towards it I deemed as dangerous and kept my space. Even from 4 feet it didn't look like anything worth playing with.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ohhh, looks like you should stay here for awhile. Maybe they have an emergency trail project that needs your help!