Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There's no Place Like Somewhere Awesome

Our home on the road looks like this. The bags and toys are always the same but the space that holds them is different every couple nights. As long as I've got my bed, my people and know where my bag of dog food is located I'm pretty happy but if you take any of those things out of the equation I turn into "crazy twitchy nervous black dog". 

It'll be strange unpacking all these bags for the last time (well, not really but the last time for quite a while) when we get home next week. Filling the fridge with groceries for more than two days. Plugging the ipod into the home stereo. Hearing a house key jingling on my people's key chain. Buying dish soap. These are all little things that normal people who haven't been living out of a car for 2 years wouldn't even think twice about but there are many aspects of what most consider normal that have not been a part of our life for the last 719 days. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Please Send Peanut Butter Treats To...

We've got a mailing address in Hood River so get all old school on us and send a letter. Or some peanut butter dog treats... or a steak, or a cat... I'd really like a cat. I wasn't even going to tell you about it until my people mentioned that other people can send treats via these boxes. Did I mention that I really like peanut butter treats? So, if you'd like to send me fan mail you can apparently just write.

(Recipient's Name)
(If it's for me "C/O small person or tall person")
PO Box 1315
Hood River, OR 97031

on the envelope and it will miraculously show up in this little locked box that is inside this building that I'm not allowed to go in. It's sort of strange and I don't really understand the technology but I'm a dog and I like to keep things simple.

And for your viewing pleasure here is a photo of Jason going really fast (he's the blur in the middle of the rapid).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ah, Sigh.

Ok, I've avoided talking politics despite my secret dog passion for all things political (my people leave NPR on the radio when I'm home alone, I can't help it). I'm sure that not everyone who reads this shares the excitement and cheek cramping ear to ear smiles that have been plastered to the faces of my peeps since these four came walking out on the stage to accept the presidency but that's ok. I'm a dog and I don't care what your political views are as long as you don't vote to outlaw swimming or food. I just want to say that I hope, for the sake of the extra treats I've been getting due to extremely high amounts of happiness and jubilation in our house (that's right, I said house, I'll get to that) that we can all share in the positive forward motion that a new president brings, look past our differences and, you get the point, no cheesy cliche, lets just all get along ok? And lets all be PSYCHED! And give your dogs more treats!

So, about the house thing. We have a house! We're still traveling for a few more weeks but we had a week off and decided to get settled in so that when we do get off the road we don't have to move. Our house (it has walls AND a roof) is located in Hood River and we're excited to spend as much of the winter as we can hanging out in it after we get done playing that weird game where my peeps attach sticks to their feet and slide around in the snow so I can chase them. But, until Thanksgiving, we are still vagrant traveling dirt bags and we will be living it up, having way too much fun, and enjoying our last few weeks of the best job in the world until then.