Our home on the road looks like this. The bags and toys are always the same but the space that holds them is different every couple nights. As long as I've got my bed, my people and know where my bag of dog food is located I'm pretty happy but if you take any of those things out of the equation I turn into "crazy twitchy nervous black dog".

It'll be strange unpacking all these bags for the last time (well, not really but the last time for quite a while) when we get home next week. Filling the fridge with groceries for more than two days. Plugging the ipod into the home stereo. Hearing a house key jingling on my people's key chain. Buying dish soap. These are all little things that normal people who haven't been living out of a car for 2 years wouldn't even think twice about but there are many aspects of what most consider normal that have not been a part of our life for the last 719 days.