Monday, May 24, 2010


The Small one and our buddy Miles took me on a super rad creeksploringventure on a glacial creek that comes right off the north side of Mount Hood. Had the weather been better you'd be able to see the mountain straight ahead in all of these shots but you just get a glimpse of the bottom of it in a few of them. This area was apparently quite hammered by a huge flood about 4 years ago leaving it riddled with debris and very impressive giant rocks with huge cracks and scrapes from glacial movement. We spent the day boulder hopping and checking out what was around the next corner and the next one and the next one and... I think you get it. We saw a lot of cool stuff and I have a lot of sticks to remove from this flood plain so I'm going to get back to work on that now.

I REALLY wanted to get up there but it was quite a leap.

The peeps found this rad columnar piece of rock, stood it on end and climbed it.

Karate Kid.

Big Foot.

Here's Miles chillin on a giant log above the creek.

There wasn't a whole lot of color in the flooded area but once in a while we'd find blobs of green and orange.

Miles likes to balance.

And now I begin working very hard to rid this place of sticks. It's a difficult job but I don't see anyone else volunteering to take care of this very serious problem.

1 comment:

Marlies said...

I know someone that would die to help you with the clearing Moxy..., if only he didn't live so dang far away. He'll start over here though.