Here's Paul. Well that's really just his leg covered in insulation from the attic where he's been crawling around fixing things. He moved in with us for the summer to help out with some projects and settle in Hood River or Portland. He is THE BEST! And he gives good belly rubs and feeds me bacon.

It's been a big blueberry season so the short ones got together with Melissa and some even shorter ones to scour the farm for juice blue bombs.

We've also got a garden going! It's a little one but it's a start and the peppers on this plant, while not smelling exceptionally tasty to this dog seem to be a hot commodity around here.

Here's The tall one on a ride through what seems to be a sprouting forest of lupin. I have a feeling that with climate changing soon these flowers are going to replace the trees. They are HUGe!

The short one went on a solo birthday ride (she didn't even bring me!). I thought it seemed strange that she'd pack an ice pack and a beer in her pack but she seems quite pleased to be enjoying it at the top of the climb with the view reflected in her glasses.

That's all I've got for now! I'm headed off to work with the tall one to supervise while he builds trail.