Sunday, August 7, 2011

Near death dogsperience.

I almost died last week. For no reason that my people or my vet have been able to pin point I spiked a dangerously high fever, stopped eating and started looking rather drunk. The small one, being the worrier that she is drug me (literally) to the vet where I was poked prodded, injected, drained and cooed over by three very concerned women. While I do like my vet and her assistants, I do not like to go there. It smells like scared animals and illness and I'm always afraid that I might end up getting stuck in there as it seems many others have. In fact, on this trip they tried to keep me overnight but my amazing people know me well enough to know that staying the night would have created more stress than healing. So, I went home and after a couple days of having pills stuffed down my throat I'm doing much better!

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