We're home. Our job as the Trail Care Crew has come to an end and it couldn't have been better timing. We've been craving a real winter, time with friends and family, and a house but hadn't gotten to the point of burn out quite yet so here we are enjoying all but the winter. Two years was the perfect amount of time to travel around the world. We had amazing experiences, met many new friends and some people we'll look forward to forgetting, visited some of the most beautiful places and some places that we now know to avoid, learned many lessons, grew as a team, continued our passion for teaching (well, maybe my peeps more than me), discovered a new piece of the bicycling industry/world that we hope to stay a part of for years to come and most importantly, we loved every second of it. My favorite part was more of the eating, sleeping, swimming and running but I added all the other stuff cause my peeps told me to. So, now we've stopped moving sort of. Not to say that any of us have stayed in one place for more than an hour or so with the exception of sleeping but we're working on winding down, doing a little nesting, and enjoying a home.
This is me before I was discovered on the camouflage smooshy chair where I am very much not allowed to be (apparently NOT very camo due to my being discovered on it! I'm returning that to the manufacturer and demanding a refund!).
So, you might ask "what are you going to do now?". I don't know what I'm going to do. It's really up to you. If you'd like I can keep writing stories because really, there's all sorts of exciting stuff going on here or I could stop and spend more time eating, swimming, running and sleeping. Heck, I might even pick up a new hobby and try fetching frisbees (the whole bringing them back thing doesn't sound so good though). If you want me to keep blogging post a comment. If you want me to stop blogging, keep it to yourself! I can't take that sort of criticism.
My peeps on the other hand will be jumping into their new positions with IMBA Trail Solutions doing a whole lot of trail design, consulting, education and advocacy work in lots of different places with different groups, and land management agencies. They'll still be traveling but based out of Hood River and not on the road as much. The travel will be longer term so they'll visit a project for a few weeks instead of a few days and each project will be bigger than what they've been doing every week for the past two years. They're working for the same organization but changing positions so that a new couple can have the experience that they did and they can settle down a little. Capiche?
Cast your vote... more WBD?
Hey, Bojo hear, just saying you should keep posting because I'm too old to have much fun anymore so reading about all your adventures gives me something to look forward to! :)
Moxy, your new house looks so cozy and nice. And it seems slightly bigger than the Imbaru.
If you keep blogging, I'll keep reading. It's always fun to hear your perspective. And your photography skills have improved a lot in these two years.
So what about these longer trips that your peeps will be taking? Have you thought this through? It has the ring of plane travel to me. You'd better start cultivating some friends (with ample dog food larders and cushy sofas) in Hood River.
more wiggles! i know i never comment but that doesn't mean i never read.
Ripley prefers to spend his time with the ladies that blog, so you better keep it going! WBD forever!!!!
You must blog.
Keep on blogging. Treats en route in the mail. Send your peeps to the post office in a few days.
(Hope we're not in the category of hosts you'll want to forget. We loved having you wiggling around. Our couch is not off limits!)
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