Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Why Is The Dirt So Prickly!?

This planet is quite strange. Rather than dirt, it is covered in plants that have very tiny nails sticking out of them. My people call them cacti. I call them EVIL. You try running 14 miles with nails in your paws! It's nice to play in the dirt and the peeps are about as happy as dogs in smelly stuff. Anna fell off a cliff yesterday and is turning funny colors in places but aside from that the riding has been spectacular. She took me for a hike today and Jason went out on his bike in search of the vortex that apparently connects new age places like Mt Shasta to new age places like Sedona. We are pretty sure you need some crystals, wheat grass and a New Age for Dummies book to find it though.
Here's a cheezy "car/scenic overlook" shot and a picture of a small landing strip Anna and I found while riding yesterday. Looking forward to some more fabulous rides tomorrow and a little bit of work.

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